Chartered & Accredited Mediator
Chartered Mediator, Ilana Provides Closed or Open Mediations
Mediation is a process in which a chartered or accredited mediator works closely with parents who are newly separated or soon to be separated and need a parenting plan.
The parents may disagree over decision-making (formerly known as custody) and parenting time (formerly known as access) arrangements that they would like to see for their children. Generally, parents who are not high conflict in nature are good candidates for this process as there needs to be some reasonable communication skills and goodwill between them.
As a mediator, Ilana Miller will facilitate communication and decisions in regard to your child’s needs and will help you achieve an agreement in relation to issues of decision making and time-sharing. She will help develop a Parenting Plan that is tailored to your family’s needs and most notably to your children’s unique needs and developmental stages. Prior to the completion of the Parenting Plan, Ilana will request that each parent have the plan vetted by their lawyer or taken to an independent family lawyer prior to signing off on the Plan.
"An ounce of mediation is worth a pound of arbitration and a ton of litigation.” [Joseph Grynbaum]
Ilana Miller is well positioned to assist as she is a chartered and accredited mediator, who has two graduate degrees, one in child & family psychology and the other a Master of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School.
Through joint and caucusing meetings, Ilana Miller will help you develop a parenting plan, and bridge the differences, while keeping in mind a child-focused approach. At the completion of the mediation process, the Mediator will provide each parent and their respective lawyers with a detailed document of protocols, outlining all decision making and parenting time matters through Memorandum of Understanding.
For more information on mediation services please see below: