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Consultation Services to Counsel

Ilana may be retained per hour or as part of an estimate to assist you with analysis and assess what may be the merits of the case.  A report is not issued. Rather an analysis is provided and opinions are considered by way of memo to file, email or by way of telephone. Reading material is often sent in advance so that an estimate can be more accurately provided. Typically, even the larger consultation projects are not costly but are time sensitive in nature. 

For smaller consultations, Ilana bills by the hour. Ilana’s specialty is assessing nuanced parenting plans and best interests of children given their age and stage of development. Ilana has a further interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder children, who require very particular plans given the unique diagnosis of ASD. Additionally, Ilana has an interest and training around IPV cases, and coercive controlling behaviour in particular.

Lawyers may consult with Ilana outside normal business hours.

Consultation Contract

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