FAQ's & Important Links
Document Signing On-Line – DocuSign
DocuSign is an exceptional application for on-line signatures. It allows you to sign documents anywhere from any device. Documents are encrypted and a complete audit trail is maintained. You are able to sign Email documents for instant signatures and return. Click here for easy access: https://go.docusign.com
Divorce Act
The Divorce Act- Bill C-78 explained and elaborated. Legislative changes to the Divorce Act related to Children’s Best Interest.Amendments to the Divorce Act, Bill C-78, explained in detail. Changes to Family Law rules. Changes to the Divorce Act came into force on March 1, 2021. Changes to federal support enforcement laws will come into force at different times over the next few years. Learn how these changes may affect you.
Child Support Calculators
This child support table lookup will help you find the base amount of child support. Read the Step-by-Step Guide and the Table Look-up Disclaimer for more details. The Guide offers instructions and worksheets that will help explain how to calculate child support amounts. It also has information on special or extraordinary expenses that may need to be added to the basic child support amount.
You may wish to ask a lawyer for advice about your situation. The base amount is often not the final child support amount to be paid. For example, if there are special expenses such as child care or if you share custody, the amount will likely be different.
Under the Federal Child Support Guidelines, the table amount is determined by: the number of children; the province or territory where the paying parent lives; and the paying parent’s before-tax annual income.
Ontario Child Support Calculator
You can use this very quick Ontario child support calculator to determine the base amount of child support payments that may need to be paid. The child support calculator, Ontario can prove useful if you are a parent at the commencement of a family court action within the province of Ontario.
Ontario’s family court system is guided in part by two different pieces of passed legislation. Those laws are Ontario’s Divorce Act and the Family Law Act. The courts will write and pass orders based on the situation which you would fall under.
Printable Calendars
A free series of customizable printable calendars to help parents plan their parenting time schedules.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
AFCC is an interdisciplinary, international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.
AFCC promotes a collaborative approach to serving the needs of children among those who work in and with family law systems, encouraging education, research and innovation and identifying best practices. It promotes a justice system in which all professionals work collaboratively through education, support, and access to services to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and families.
Bill Eddy- BIFF Responses
William A. “Bill” Eddy is an attorney, therapist and mediator and the President of the High Conflict Institute. He provides consultations and training about managing high-conflict personalities to professionals, including attorneys, judges, mediators, mental health professionals and human resource professionals. He writes articles about divorce, families, and high conflict personalities.
Office of the Children’s Lawyer (OCL)
The Office of the Children’s Lawyer, a branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General, delivers programs in the administration of justice on behalf of children under the age of 18 and with respect to their personal and property rights. Lawyers within the office represent children in various areas of law including child custody and access disputes, child protection proceedings, estate matters and civil litigation. Clinical investigators prepare reports for the court in custody/access proceedings and may assist lawyers who are representing children in such matters.
Divorce Magazine
Divorce Magazine is the Internet’s leading divorce and separation resource site, providing information and advice about divorce law, divorce lawyers, family law, children and divorce, and other divorce-related issues as well as information on divorce professionals such as family lawyers and online divorce.
Kids in the Middle
Kids In The Middle® (KITM) is a non-profit organization that helps children, parents and families thrive during and after divorce through counselling, education and support.
Our Family Wizard
Our Family Wizard is a fee-based tool for managing difficult shared custody, joint custody and co-parenting relationships. It offers tools to help document parenting time and custody disputes, create parenting time schedules to avoid confusion, and manage all of your important family information with entry stamps to help keep accurate records.
CanLII Law
The CanLII.org website provides access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories. CanLII.org also contains decisions from many tribunals nationally. CanLII has also completed several projects to add historical cases with the goal of offering a comprehensive resource for jurisprudence for access to Canadian law.
CanLII.org contains the consolidated statutes and regulations of every jurisdiction in Canada.
Ontario Bar Association (OBA)
The Ontario Bar Association is a bar association representing more than 16,000 lawyers, judges, notaries, law teachers, and law students from across Ontario. It is also a branch of the Canadian Bar Association. Approximately two-thirds of all practicing lawyers in Canada belong to the CBA.